The Dark Knight Rises v1.0.6 NEW LINK GAME ANDROID...

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NEW LINK The Dark Knight Rises GAME ANDROID... !!


THANKS tO Om Josef Beroeatwarin

Apk 1.1.1 Rooted

Apk 1.1.1 NON Rooted

Instructions: (For Rooted users / Offline)
  1. Install APK 
  2. Copy '' folder to 'sdcard/Android /obb' (If you have installed previous version skip this)
  3. Copy '' file to above obb folder
  4. Copy 2 files in TB RAR to Titaniumbackup folder and Restore 'Data only'  Download TB v1.1.1
  5. Turn OFF WIFI/3G
  6. Launch the Game

Instructions: (For Non-Rooted users / Offline)
  1. Install this Non-Rooted APK 
  2. Copy '' folder to 'sdcard/Android /obb' (If you have installed previous version skip this)
  3. Copy '' file to above obb folder
  4. Turn OFF WIFI/3G
  5. Launch the Game

Apk Rooted

Apk non Root ( tidak usah pk TB )



Ektrak pk HJ Split 

Warning : Uninstall Cahinfire 3D dulu caranya buka aplikasi Chainfire ny lalu pilih uninstall Driver nanti HH akan restart,kemudian uninstall Apknya. ( grafik ny akan rusak jika ada chainfire ).

 Jika mau cheat uangnya pk ini

Ekstrak trs pindahin pk rootexplorer ke data/data/ ( paste di sini )

Cara install ( rooted )

1. Install APK

2. Copy '' folder to 'sdcard/Android /obb' 

3. Copy 2 isi files TB ke sd:/Titaniumbackup folder and Restore 'Data only' di Titaniumbackup

4. Launch the Game

2 komentar :

  1. gan entar msih perlu mundurin tahun ga.,

  2. bro, nyari folder titaniumbackup dimana ? gw cari di folder android ngga ada

