The Dark Knight Rises v1.0.6 NEW LINK GAME ANDROID...
NEW LINK The Dark Knight Rises GAME ANDROID ... !!
THANKS tO Om Josef Beroeatwarin
Apk 1.1.1 Rooted
Apk 1.1.1 NON Rooted
Instructions: (For Rooted users / Offline)
Install APK Copy '' folder to 'sdcard/Android /obb' (If you have installed previous version skip this) Copy '' file to above obb folder Copy 2 files in TB RAR to Titaniumbackup folder and Restore 'Data only' Download TB v1.1.1 Turn OFF WIFI/3G Launch the Game
Instructions: (For Non-Rooted users / Offline)
Install this Non-Rooted APK Copy '' folder to 'sdcard/Android /obb' (If you have installed previous version skip this) Copy '' file to above obb folder Turn OFF WIFI/3G Launch the Game
Apk Rooted
Apk non Root ( tidak usah pk TB )
Ektrak pk HJ Split
Warning : Uninstall Cahinfire 3D dulu caranya buka aplikasi Chainfire ny lalu pilih uninstall Driver nanti HH akan restart ,kemudian uninstall Apknya . ( grafik ny akan rusak jika ada chainfire ).
Ekstrak trs pindahin pk rootexplorer ke data/data/ ( paste di sini )
Cara install ( rooted )
1. Install APK
2. Copy ' ' folder to 'sdcard/Android /obb'
3. Copy 2 isi files TB ke sd:/Titaniumbackup folder and Restore 'Data only ' di Titaniumbackup
4. Launch the Game
gan entar msih perlu mundurin tahun ga.,
bro, nyari folder titaniumbackup dimana ? gw cari di folder android ngga ada